Embracing Brokenness

How God Uses Failure and Adversity to Draw Us Back to the Garden - Restored in Him

We're on a short-term missions trip. How we order our days has an eternal impact. Not only in our life but the lives of those with whom we are called to influence. We must embrace our brokenness to experience the healing that only God can provide.

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Book Launches When God Finishes It

Embracing Brokenness

Wounds that came from failures and adversities in this life have distorted our perception of God. Freedom awaits those willing to take up the mantle of love. We can and must discover the God of Love. The God that walked and talked with us in the Garden. Unadulterated. No sin. No tears. No fear. That same God wants a deeper relationship with us. Built on trust, not deception. Love not fear.

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Embracing Brokenness
To Help You Go Deeper Into Your Own Healing Journey

Since that fateful day, we’ve been doing everything we can to reconnect with God. Let’s face it, we live in a world at war. Squaring off with an enemy that seeks to destroy us through lies, deceit, and distortions of truth.

Embracing Brokenness

We were born into an imperfect world to imperfect parents as imperfect people. We inherited a mess. When Adam and Eve bit that fruit everything changed. Where perfect fellowship was broken in a heartbeat. But God…. Provided a way. A way to heal the wounds of our past and experience His unconditional love. This book will provide encouraging insights into the path toward wholeness and freedom in Christ.

Steve & Colleen Adams

Committed Believers in Jesus Christ

God intersected the lives of two people for one purpose – to bring the message of healing to anyone willing to hear. Two people, traveling parallel paths of restoration through difficult individual circumstances while independently saying, “I want to be well”. But God….. had even greater plans for these changed lives.

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